[ See a "trailer" for the book/tour here ]

Tour dates: Summer/Fall 2022.  (See here for more info)

We're looking for referrals for the following aspects of the tour...

Venues (book readings, Project 1:1000 presentations) - bookstores, libraries, theatres, auditoriums

Education contacts (teachers, administrators, professors) - introduce website as a tool for teachers and introduce Project 1:1000 Sessions

Lodging - do we have any common friends I haven't thought of?  Or know any like-minded, generous folks?

Please click on the (closest) city/town below to open up an email to share venues, education, or lodging referrals from that location.  Feel free to include multiple locations/referrals in a single email.

Thank you!



2nd LEG  (WEST)


3rd LEG  (EAST)