Excerpts, reviews, and ordering our flagship publication Roadtrip: Project 1:1000, Volume I

"Roadtrip" book cover

Middle School  •  High School  •  Private/Alternative School  •  University  •  Community  •  Company  •  Social Justice


Collaborative workshops and writers' peer groups hadn't been invented when I was young.  They're a wonderful invention.  They put the writer into a community of people all working at the same art, the kind of group musicians and painters and dancers have always had.  - Ursula K. Le Guin

Project 1:1000 Sessions are a resource for both EducatorsSocial Justice causes, companies, or community members at-large.

Great care has been taken to ensure as much privacy as individuals and groups desire.  See Privacy & Basics here.

Project 1:1000 Sessions provide what are essentially structured, mentored, affirming, writing/accountability groups.  The simplest and greatest outcomes are as such:

  • The "boogeyman" is taken out of writing
  • Individuals and groups are able to speak their own truths, to tell and share their own stories
  • The notion of community is created and developed, both within and among other groups

In addition to the obvious focus on reading and writing proficiency for students, Sessions illuminate and enhance accountability, interpersonal communication, sense of community, collaboration, and exposure to multiple backgrounds and perspectives.  All sessions encourage and foster creative expression, discipline, honesty, bravery, kindness, empathy, and tolerance.  Project 1:1000 Sessions especially provide participants both a way and a place to work and play and learn and shine right now, discovering and honing numerous skills that provide for more luminous futures.

While Project 1:1000 is at its heart unconcerned with either analysis, critique, or perfection (your stories are your stories), a Session will explore a bit of the approach to - and process and casual critique of - writing and editing.  Optionally, the Project 1:1000 Team Member could communicate issues with structure, grammar, and clarity of expression to the Client (Teacher, Leader, etc).  Please note that while Sessions are not a substitute for regular English classes, they may well provide alternative/additional settings and approaches more conducive to free, encouraged, and affirmed expression.

Sessions will be lead by Team Members, who shall be good and passionate people and facilitators, educated and experienced writers with a background in education training and/or arts collaboration and production.  See the Project 1:1000 Session Leaders here.  If you are (or know someone who might be) interested in joining the Team, see (or share the link) here.

A Project 1:1000 Session includes:

  • Session design/coordination with Client
  • Introduction, overview, process, and practice
  • Exercises, assignments, and writing prompts
  • Accountability, process, methods and casual critique
  • Assistance with Participant account creation  (see more here)
  • Assistance with Submission creation, draft, and publication  (see more here)
  • Creation of Project(s)/Group(s)  (see more here)
  • Attachment of Submissions to Project(s)/Group(s)  (see more here)
  • Creation, promotion, and hosting of final presentation

Optionally (mostly in Education settings) the Session could include:

  • Monitor & communicate attendance
  • Performance & participation updates
  • "Grading" & Final Report  (See more here)
  • Assistance with possible receipt of credit for participation

For an administrative view of a Session (complete with the Options listed just above) please see here.  These notes would not be available to the public, but rather password-protected and shared per Client request.

Download the latest Session packet here.

Read about the first Project 1:1000 Session here.

For an instant quote, to request a Session for you/your organization, to sponsor a Session for others, or to simply contact us for further information, please use the form below...

Check here to get an instant quote.  No pressure/need to SUBMIT, but fields will be required in order to SUBMIT inquiry with quote.  Uncheck to remove these requirements.
Quick Quote

Session Basics


  • Session design/coordination with Client
  • Introduction, overview, process, and practice
  • Exercises, assignments, and writing prompts
  • Accountability, process, methods and casual critique
  • Assistance with Participant account creation  (see more here)
  • Assistance with Submission creation, draft, and publication  (see more here)
  • Creation of Project(s)/Group(s)  (see more here)
  • Attachment of Submissions to Project(s)/Group(s)  (see more here)
  • Creation, promotion, and hosting of final presentation
Sessions consist of 1 Meeting (1 hr) per week
# Submissions
Submission = 1 picture + 1000 words.  (No Submissions due at first meeting.)  See this section in the FAQ for more information on Submissions.  See all public Submissions here.  Note: Submissions don't have to be made public - see Session Project Visibility below.
# of Students in Session.  5 participant minimum.
Location of Session Meetings

PROS: less travel for participants and presentation audience, presentation viewable worldwide
CONS: non face-to-face, technology required for participation and presentation

PROS; face-to-face interactions, (computers still required for at least 2 Meetings - see below)
CONS: more expensive (admin travel time), extra travel may be required (depending on meeting and presentation times)
Computers (In-person Session)
The first Session Meeting will partly be concerned with assisting in the creation of Project 1:1000 (online) accounts.  At a subsequent Session Meeting, we will need to attach these Submissions to the Session Group for online display.  That is, we will need computers and an internet connection for at least 2 Session Meetings.

Will a computer and an internet connection be available to each participant?
Computers (Virtual Session)
Will a computer and an internet connection be available to each participant?


Optional services and Projected Total below

Session: Options

Monitor and communicate attendance
Share notes on Session meetings
Present Final Report and Grading (see more here).
Select if you would like assistance in pursuing official credit for/verification of Session time, participation, and work.  Please include specifics in Comments below.



Final Session cost and schedule will be confirmed/agreed upon before actual start date.  Payment must be received by a single payer at least one week prior to the agreed upon start date.

Session Project Visibility

One of the suggested results of a Session is the creation of a Project (grouping of Contributors and their Submissions - learn more here) on Project 1:1000 website.  See active Projects (and Groups) here.  Please indicate whether you would like this Project to be Public or Private (see below).  Note: If a Session is private, links to the output may still be shared privately.

listed and linked within the website
unlisted and unlinked on the website
Please provide the desired Session start date and time (your time zone).  The Session would repeat weekly at this same day/time until end of Session.  If only approximate, feel free to leave blank and/or elaborate in Comments below.  Final schedule will be confirmed/agreed upon before actual start date.

RE: Computers & Internet Access

Whether a Virtual or In-person Session, it will be necessary for participants to have access to computers and an internet connection.  A Virtual Session will require both throughout, while an In-person Session will require both for at least 2 Session Meetings.  Ideally, each participant would have their own computer and internet connection.  Address any issues in Comments below.

Contact info

School, organization, etc. (if any)
Your title/position in company (if any)
Context, comments, questions, etc.  For a quote, be sure to see Quote at the top.  Feel free to include names of Particpants (one line each).