A valid email address. All emails from the system will be sent to this address. The email address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by email.
Several special characters are allowed, including space, period (.), hyphen (-), apostrophe ('), underscore (_), and the @ sign.
User Visibility

Please select your level of visibility on the site.  This will determine where your User page, Submissions, Favorites, etc. will be listed.  NOTE: You may be visible over the entire site AND hide your location (see Geography section) at the same time.

Your virtual face or picture.
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: png gif jpg jpeg.
Images must be larger than 200x200 pixels. Images larger than 400x400 pixels will be resized.

A bit about yourself, a quote, something. This will appear on your User page.

User Type

A FAN may customize their personal page, select and display Favorites (Contributors and Submissions), participate in Forum discussions, and message others on the site.

A CONTRIBUTOR shares these permissions and additionally may create Submissions.

A GROUP ADMINISTRATOR is the Administrator of a group of Contributors and/or Projects.  See more about Groups here.  You may combine Group Administrator role with Fan or Contributor role, knowing that your Submissions, Favorites, etc. will be connected with the Group.  (You may want to create separate accounts with different email addresses.)

Group Administrator + Fan/Contributor

*Not required.  A GROUP ADMINISTRATOR + account is one that combines 2 of the previous 3 roles.  If one of these options is chosen, please be advised that all of your favorites, discussions, comments, and Submissions (for Contributors) would then be conected to the Group Administrator account, and vice versa.  It may be advisable to create another account (different email address) to keep these roles separate.

Group Administrator Type

Ask yourself what type of Group you will be creating.  Keep in mind that parent Groups select their already existing children (i.e. Schools add existing Teachers/Projects).

Are you a Teacher?
i.e. Are you going to have your Students join you here?
Teacher Title (User)

Please indicate your title in “offline” selection process and messages to Students (i.e. “Welcome to [Ms.] Smith’s class!”)

Please provide name of school.  Feel free to include abbreviations, etc - as long as your students will recognize the name.

A Member Tracking page will be/has been created for you, pending your acceptance to the site.  This will help tracking whether Project Members have registered for the site, User information, adding meeting days and class periods, Join Project requests/acceptance, and Submission sharing and display.

This page will be accessible via USER > MY GROUPS > MEMBER TRACKING (above Projects).  See here (accessible only after registration is approved).

Please see Projects in the FAQ for more information.

Are you meeting a Teacher/Professor here?
i.e. Are you going to be associated with a Teacher here?
Are you here for a Session?
i.e. Are you here for a Project 1:1000 Session?
Which Session?
Please select your Teacher.

Please select your Teacher from the list above, ordered by last name.  If your Teacher does not appear below, have them visit ABOUT > FAQ and/or SIGN UP as a Group Administrator / Project Admin / Teacher or CONTACT us using the form at bottom of page.

Please list which class period you have with your Teacher.  This will help them organize, get you signed up for site and Project(s).  Consult Teacher on how to label this field ("1", "M1" "MON 1", etc)

For administrative purposes, we need your general location. Any or all of these items may be hidden below.

Please turn of autofill [ESC] for this field.  Choose existing value or input new.  Should be in format [City] (#).

Please turn of autofill [ESC] for this field.  Choose existing value or input new.  Should be in format [State] (#).  U.S. states use long form (Montana) instead of abbreviation (MT)

Please turn of autofill [ESC] for this field.  Choose existing value or input new.  Should be in format [Country] (#).

Select to hide your City from public view

Select to hide your State, etc. from public view

Select to hide your Country from public view

Select here to be notified (via email) of new Writing Cues, which are general themes that might help narrow the creative scope and illicit Submission creation.  See the main page for Writing Cues here.

Email option will be checked automatically when subscribing to something.

This will change how frequently message notifications are delivered.
Comment follow-up notification settings
Choose whether, by default, to subscribe to e-mail notifications for replies to your own comments. Your site administrator may have customised the options available. You can change this setting on a per-comment basis, and later unsubscribe from individual posts.

Please describe how you found us.  NOTE: Select Teacher above if that's how you got here.

Please provide the last name of your Teacher

Locale settings
Select the desired local time and time zone. Dates and times throughout this site will be displayed using this time zone.
Contact settings
Allow other users to contact you via a personal contact form which keeps your email address hidden. Note that some privileged users such as site administrators are still able to contact you even if you choose to disable this feature.

We are working out some glitches with our email server. Please confirm that you have added the following e-mail address to your contacts/address book/Safe Senders list: admin@project1-1000.com