Excerpts, reviews, and ordering our flagship publication Roadtrip: Project 1:1000, Volume I

"Roadtrip" book cover

A Group is just that: a grouping of Contributors, Submissions and/or other Groups.

For more information, check out the Groups section of the FAQ here.

Category: the category of Group (Education, Social Justice, Community, Business)


Projects are "child" groups consisting of Contributors & their Submissions.  Think "classes."

Sessions are essentially Projects that have been created by the output of a guided, mentored Project 1:1000 Session.  See more on Sessions here.

Groups are "parent" groups consisting of other Groups and/or (their) Projects (and their Contributors & Submissions).  Think "schools."

Status: Open/Closed = Accepting/Not accepting Contributors/Projects.

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# (sub) Groups sorting for Groups only

# Contributors/Submissions sorting for Projects & Sessions

Education groups only

Sample Class

(High School Project)

Billings | Montana | United States

Sample Class in a School (50 characters available)
Contributors: 2  |  Submissions: 2

Session #1

(Community Session)

Afterschool program for middle and high schoolers
Contributors: 5  |  Submissions: 2

Sample High School 1

(High School Group)

Montana | United States

Sample School (50 characters available here)

Groups: 1  |  Contributors: 2  |   Submissions: 2

Sample High School 2

(High School Group)

Chicago | Illinois | United States

Sample School linking Teachers
Groups: 5  |  Contributors: 20  |   Submissions: 17

Sample Session

(High School Session)

Chicago | Illinois | United States

Sample display of Project 1:1000 Session
Contributors: 2  |  Submissions: 2


(Middle School Group)

7th Grade English class writings

Groups: 1  |  Contributors: 16  |   Submissions: 13

Sample Assignment

(High School Project)

Sample assignment belonging to Sample Class
Contributors: 3  |  Submissions: 3

Sample English Class

(High School Group)

Billings | Montana | United States

Sample English Class

Groups: 1  |  Contributors: 3  |   Submissions: 3

1:1000 #1

(Middle School Project)

English class writings
Contributors: 16  |  Submissions: 13

Green Valley/Sahuarita Samaritans

(Social Justice Project)

Sahuarita | Arizona | United States

Saving lives & relieving suffering along AZ border
Contributors: 1  |  Submissions: 1

Casa de la Misericordia

(Community Project)

Nogales | Sonora | México

A shelter for refugees
Contributors: 1  |  Submissions: 3

Murdered & Missing Indigenous Women

(Social Justice Group)

Billings | Montana | United States

Speaking up for our sisters

Groups: 1  |  Contributors: 0  |   Submissions: 0

Selena Not Afraid

(Social Justice Project)

Hardin | Montana | United States

RE: Selena Not Afraid
Contributors: 0  |  Submissions: 0